"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our
hearts are conscious of our treasures."
I am so grateful for so many people because I have been blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life throughout the years.
How can I choose one Daughter out of three? How can I choose one Granddaughter over another? Or one friend? I am grateful to each one for different reasons.
Maybe I am going about this wrong. The instruction doesn't specifically say to choose the top three - it just says three. If this magical practice is to be grateful for people just as they are, then I should challenge myself by choosing someone that our relationship is strained.
With that in mind, I have two people for today's assignment. So who shall be the third? Someone easy to be grateful for? I have it now!
I Am
Grateful For: (Day 3)
It is now three thirty in the morning. Time flies way too fast. I am going to bed now and I won't forget to hold my magic rock just before I lay down and think of the best thing that happened today. I will update you tomorrow.
Thornton Wilder (1897-1975),
Writer and Playwright.
![]() |
My beautiful granddaughters. Three Magical Relationships. |
Magical Assignment
Today's assignment is to choose three
people in my life who I am grateful for and list some reasons.
The Challenge
Just three people? This is extremely difficult. I'm sure it is hard for you too because there are so many people in our lives who are important.I am so grateful for so many people because I have been blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life throughout the years.
How can I choose one Daughter out of three? How can I choose one Granddaughter over another? Or one friend? I am grateful to each one for different reasons.
Maybe I am going about this wrong. The instruction doesn't specifically say to choose the top three - it just says three. If this magical practice is to be grateful for people just as they are, then I should challenge myself by choosing someone that our relationship is strained.
With that in mind, I have two people for today's assignment. So who shall be the third? Someone easy to be grateful for? I have it now!
My Magical Relationships
People I am Grateful For;
- I am so unbelievable grateful for my Mom. I choose my mom first because it is so easy to be grateful to her - so many reasons to be grateful.
- Thank you Mom for always supporting me.
- Thank you Mom for always being there for me,
day or night, good or bad.
- Thank you Mom for teaching me the importance
of family.
- Thank you Mom for guiding me, teaching me how
to be a good person.
- Thank you Mom for showing me by example how
to be a strong, responsible compassionate person.
- I am grateful for my Husband. I love him very much, we have been together for about twenty years and I can't imagine my life without him. But, yes there is a but, he has untreated post traumatic stress disorder and that makes him a very difficult man to live with right now.
- Thank you Gary for telling me every day
that you love me.
- Thank you Gary for treating my two
daughters like your own.
- Thank you Gary for all the little things
you do to make my day that much nicer and easier.
- Thank you Gary for making me feel still
wanted after all these twenty years.
- Thank you Gary for making me laugh.
- I am blessed and grateful for my youngest
daughter. When she was born I saw perfection. My little angel. I know I spoiled her - still do. She acts and thinks she is so much older than her years. This can cause friction between us. Yet we still have a close relationship with mutual respect and love.
- Thank you Christina for giving me a
- Thank you Christina for helping
me out when you can.
- Thank you Christina for wanting
to spend time with me.
- Thank you Christina for
being silly with me.
- Thank you Christina for allowing me into your world.

Gratitude Rock
After reviewing my gratitude list from yesterday, I am most
grateful for my
Granddaughters because their exuberance for life is contagious. I
can't help but smile when I look at them and I feel so happy to be alive, to be
part of their lives. Thank you, thank
you, thank you.
Here is my magic rock (gratitude stone). As you can see I have not painted it red yet. I am procrastinator. Something I need to work on.
Here is my magic rock (gratitude stone). As you can see I have not painted it red yet. I am procrastinator. Something I need to work on.
Gratitude Journal
I Am
Grateful For: (Day 3)
- My Mom because
she came here today just as she does every week day to take care of her
Great Granddaughters and her baby - me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- My Oldest Daughter because she will be giving me another
grandchild. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- My sight so I can revel at all the beauty in this
world. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Another radiant hot summer day so I could enjoy the outdoors with two of my
Granddaughters. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- My Oldest Daughter for blessing me with her visit and providing
- Christina for spending time with her daughter.
- My washer and dryer so I can do my laundry any time I want
to. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- The Armoire which I was able to purchase for forty-two
dollars at Saint Vincent De Paul. It is the perfect addition to the kids
play area because it houses all the toys and makes the area look clean
and de-cluttered. It was exactly what I pictured for that
spot. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- To Craig for lending me a steam cleaner and the
chemicals to
remove stains in the furniture. Thank
you, thank you, thank you.
- For the clothes which I was able to purchase all at reduced
prices. (Money comes easily and frequently.) Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I don't understand why that was so hard
to start but once I got on a roll is was easy peasy. Thank goodness.
I had a little difficulty again today
thinking of new items to be grateful for. But I did it. I wonder what I will be grateful for tomorrow?
It is now three thirty in the morning. Time flies way too fast. I am going to bed now and I won't forget to hold my magic rock just before I lay down and think of the best thing that happened today. I will update you tomorrow.
Have you decided which three people you would like for your Magical Relationships List?
If you liked this post feel free to tweet it. Thanks and have a magical day.
Tomorrow is Day 4: Magical Health
If you liked this post feel free to tweet it. Thanks and have a magical day.
Tomorrow is Day 4: Magical Health