Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Is Your Blog Mobile Friendly?

If you're like me, you're always wondering if your blog is set up to be reader friendly, easy to navigate and well pretty. You change the colours, the template, the share buttons. And you judge your choices by examining it on the device you worked it all out on.

And if you're like me, you have been mindlessly oblivous to your blog's appearance on other devises and more or less content with the way your blog is set up.

Then I read an article by .

Is Your Blog Mobile Friendly?

Awww! What do you mean I may be losing up to 50% of my traffic? Is my blog mobile friendly?

Apparently more people are accessing the internet on some sort of mobile device than ever before and that number will continue to rise. So you better be sure your blog is user friendly on mobile devices.

How can you tell if your blog is set up properly? Greg explains it all in his article. That is if you're using wordpress. If you are interested click HERE to read the whole article.

For those who use blogger follow these simple steps.

Sign into your Blogger account and go to TEMPLATE.

This is the window that opens. Click on the star below the Mobile screen shot.

This is the new window to open. Easy so far isn’t it.

Do you see that spot where you are given a choice? You want to click on Yes, Show mobile template on mobile devices.

Now just click on the preview button.

Ta Da! There you go. Check it out. I think mine looks pretty good.

Phew! What a relief. I almost had an anxiety attack thinking no one can read my blog on their cell phones. I'm safe. But to be sure I will have to check it out on someone's phone.

Oh, oh. That’s great, my blog posts can be read easily but if someone wants to share on twitter, pinterest or facebook... they won’t be able to.

If I want sharing, (if right eh?) then I should add a pop up window. But I'll take care of that later.

Hope you come back to see detailed instructions on how to add a pop up window on Blogger.

Til then, best wishes, Darlene

Well thanks for stopping by. I hope my tips are helpful. If you like this post please feel free to share the love or opt to follow along on one of the social media platforms. Those friendly little buttons are on the right side bar.

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Wishing You a Wonderful Week.

Blogging tips